{ Our Dreamy 1900's American Foursquare Dwelling }
Just a Thought...
I would like to provide an opinion on something near & dear to my heart; the size of rooms within older houses....So here I am talking with a friend of mine who just bought her own 1908 Victorian home up in Indiana. She shows several of her coworkers some pictures of her new old home...immediately someone says "oh, wow those rooms look very small!" Ok people, let's remember that back in the day, rooms were intended for their sole indicated purpose. Take a bedroom for an example. They were smaller indeed, because it's main function was to provide sleeping quarters. And not for holding a desk to file taxes & surf the web into the wee hours, or to house a stationary bike (hey why not get outdoors more--weather permitting) or for holding a 5 piece cherry/MDF suite from the big box furniture stores of today. Another example...Bathrooms. In our old darling of a place, yes the bathroom is considered "cozy" by my sweetie & I. There is no garden tub or grand shower & yet we love that because instead of the coveted 2 sink variety we get to "stand closer" while we brush our teeth over our lovely porcelain pedestal! Also, in my opinion, less is more in that there isn't as much an area to keep clean or warm/cool during respective months. The areas that are HUGE in our house are the areas that certainly matter to us most. Like our kitchen & den where we spend 70% of our time in the long run. Oh & let's not forget the oh so wonderful, lush & huge yard that usually comes with an older house...it is certainly to die for! So as we all know, old houses aren't for everyone, but I ask that before you judge or announce an old home as small, cramped, etc. Look at the BIGGER picture & take it for what it's worth. Cheers~